Video Club!
Recently the pupils of the lyceum have joined the video club, organised by the students of Nizhyn Gogol State University under the leadership of Helen Moskalets. In such a great company we had the opportunity not only to enjoy watching "The Little Prince" but also to discuss it, to do some activities, to communicate. The pupils have made new friends, improved their language skills and had much fun!
Recently the pupils of the lyceum have joined the video club, organised by the students of Nizhyn Gogol State University under the leadership of Helen Moskalets. In such a great company we had the opportunity not only to enjoy watching "The Little Prince" but also to discuss it, to do some activities, to communicate. The pupils have made new friends, improved their language skills and had much fun!
I have tried a new kind of experience by being involved into an atmosphere of creativity, literature and childish magic. The students reminded me of my bright childhood and innocent dreams.
ВідповістиВидалитиVideo club is a great idea!
ВідповістиВидалити was interesting and exciting, cause it was something new for me. I'm reeally into cartoons, so I liked "The little prince" very much! It has inspired me and now I want every child or teenager to make a wonderful grown-up!))
ВідповістиВидалитиVlada,I see you've learnt some new expression)) It means, the idea of video club works! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it!